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Tutti Fruity Smoothie Recipe

Fruit smoothies are all the craze at the moment, and who can complain? Packed with antioxidants, nutrition and fibre, they are a great addition to your diet. 

Smoothies are a great way to start the day or to fill a gap between meals. Many people use smoothies as a pre-workout and post-workout option; some people use them for meal replacements as part of a weight loss plan.

Fruit smoothies are light, they taste good, and in a way they make you feel like you are cheating yourself into an extra desert, but without the guilt. 

We are always told to eat more fruit and experts claim that we should eat at least 5 portions per day, but the guidance stops short. Before you ask, the strawberry slices on top of your cheesecake really don’t count toward your fruit intake, even if they are real fruit. That’s because they are too small in volume and any good that might come from eating them is undone by the cheesecake. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your sweet tooth, by all means, enjoy.  We are just saying that you can’t expect health benefits unless you are getting enough fruit as part of a balanced diet.

How much fruit should you eat?

According to the NHS, an adult portion of fruit should be no less than 80 grams. The consensus is that adults should get at least 400 grams of fruit per day. That’s approximately 20% of all calories for men and 25% for women (more than you thought, eh?). 

For some, this seems like a daunting task. The idea of grazing through countless plant-produce like a koala bear in an eating competition, is enough to make them reach for the cheesecake for comfort food. We have already discussed this, put it down. Ok, maybe just one bite. 

The good news is that there is an easier way and here comes the smoothie. Smoothies allow you to pack in a lot of fruit punch in a single serving.  It's easy on the tummy and conveniently fits into your life. 

Try our recipe below.

Fruity Smoothie Recipe


  1. 1 banana 
  2. 1-4 tablespoons of porridge oats, depending on how creamy you desire your smoothie
  3. 80 grams of your favourite soft fruit (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, mango etc). 
  4. 150 mls of milk or alternative (try oat milk) 
  5. 1 tablespoon of JUVIA (or 1.5 if you’re still on the Rebalancing Phase)
  6. 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or vanilla pod


  1. Pour all of your ingredients into a blender 
  2. Put on your lid (do not skip this step, you will regret it)
  3. Blend for 1 minute or until smooth (add milk or oats to achieve the desired consistency) 
  4. Pour in glass 
  5. Enjoy!   
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