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Juvia for Athletes: Balancing Stomach Acid and Enzyme Activity During Training

For athletes striving to achieve peak performance, proper nutrition and digestion play crucial roles (1). However, the intense physical demands of training can sometimes wreak havoc on the digestive system, potentially impacting nutrient absorption and overall well-being (1). Enter Juvia, a unique supplement derived from barley that may offer a solution to this common athletic challenge. In this article, we'll explore how Juvia's enzymes can survive stomach acid and discuss the implications for nutrient absorption during intense physical activity.


Understanding Juvia's Unique Composition

Juvia is not an average dietary supplement. Its primary ingredient, ERME, is a natural compound derived from barley that contains a remarkable array of active digestive enzymes (2). These enzymes are specifically designed to break down carbohydrates before they can cause digestive issues in the gut. What sets Juvia apart is the careful preparation process that preserves the activity of over 15 enzymes naturally present in germinating barley.


The Stomach Acid Challenge

The effectiveness of digestive enzyme supplements is a topic of debate among experts. While the body naturally produces digestive enzymes in the pancreas, small intestine, and stomach, some people turn to supplements for additional support (3 & 4). However, the efficacy of these supplements depends on several factors, including their source, formulation, and the individual's health status (4).

One of the most significant challenges for digestive enzyme supplements is surviving the harsh, acidic environment of the stomach. As mentioned in the CNN article (4), the stomach's pH can drop to around 3.0, which is highly acidic (5). This acidity serves several essential functions, including:

  1. Breaking down food particles
  2. Activating digestive enzymes
  3. Killing harmful bacteria and pathogens

However, this same acidity can potentially deactivate or destroy many beneficial enzymes before they have a chance to reach the small intestine, where the majority of nutrient absorption occurs. This is where Juvia's unique formulation comes into play.


Juvia's Enzyme Survival Mechanism

The enzymes in Juvia have been shown to possess remarkable resilience to stomach acid. This survival ability can be attributed to several factors:

  • Natural Enzyme Stability: The enzymes found in germinating barley have evolved to withstand varying pH levels, including the acidic environment of the stomach (6).
  • Protective Matrix: The barley malt extract in Juvia may create a protective matrix around the enzymes, shielding them from immediate exposure to stomach acid.
  • Enzyme Diversity: With over 15 different enzymes present, some may be more resistant to acid than others, ensuring that at least a portion of the enzymatic activity survives the stomach passage.
  • Controlled Temperature Processing: Juvia's manufacturing process involves carefully controlled temperatures to preserve enzyme activity, potentially enhancing their overall stability.

These factors combine to allow a significant portion of Juvia's enzymes to remain active as they transit through the stomach and into the small intestine, where they can exert their beneficial effects on digestion and nutrient absorption.


Implications for Athletes During Intense Physical Activity

The ability of Juvia's enzymes to survive stomach acid has several important implications for athletes engaged in rigorous training:

  • Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: By breaking down carbohydrates more efficiently (7), Juvia may help athletes absorb essential nutrients more effectively, potentially improving energy levels and recovery times.
  • Reduced Digestive Discomfort: Many athletes experience gastrointestinal issues during or after intense exercise (8). Juvia's enzymes may help alleviate these problems by promoting more efficient digestion.
  • Optimised Carbohydrate Utilisation: Carbohydrates are a crucial energy source for athletes (9). Juvia's enzymes may help break down complex carbohydrates more efficiently, providing a steady supply of energy during prolonged physical activity.
  • Improved Hydration: Efficient digestion can contribute to better overall hydration, as the body doesn't need to divert as much water to the digestive process (10).
  • Potential for Increased Nutrient Intake: Athletes with sensitive stomachs, which is common in endurance athletes (11), may find they can tolerate a wider variety of foods when using Juvia, potentially leading to a more diverse and nutritious diet.


The Science Behind Juvia's Effectiveness

Juvia's claims are not based on mere speculation. The supplement is backed by an impressive 14 studies conducted over a decade, all showing consistent results. This research was spearheaded by Professor John Hunter, a leading gastroenterologist and author of 'Irritable Bowel Solutions'. The scientific rigour behind Juvia lends credibility to its potential benefits for athletes.


Beyond Enzymes: Additional Nutritional Benefits

While the enzyme activity is the primary focus, it's worth noting that barley malt extract, the base of Juvia, contains a variety of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. These include B-complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12) and minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper. According to Lee et al. (2023), these nutrients contribute to various bodily functions that are particularly relevant to athletes (12):

  • Normal functioning of the nervous system
  • Efficient metabolism
  • Support for the immune system
  • Psychological and muscle function
  • Reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Maintenance of normal teeth and bones
  • Regulation of blood pressure
  • Hair and skin health


Considerations for Athletes with Dietary Restrictions: Integrating Juvia into an Athletic Regimen

Athletes with dietary restrictions or specific nutritional needs should exercise caution when considering new supplements or food products. It's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet. Always discuss any new dietary additions with your doctor, especially if you have known allergies, intolerances, or medical conditions.

Seeking advice from a registered dietitian or sports nutritionist can provide personalised guidance on how to meet your nutritional needs while adhering to your dietary restrictions. These professionals can help you navigate the complexities of balancing athletic performance with specific dietary requirements.

When considering new products, it's important to read labels carefully. Thoroughly examine ingredient lists and nutritional information to ensure products align with your dietary needs. If you decide to introduce a new food or supplement, it's wise to begin with small amounts and monitor your body's response closely.

Remember that every athlete's nutritional needs are unique. What works for one person may not be suitable for another. Staying informed about the latest research and recommendations related to your specific dietary needs and athletic performance can help you make educated decisions. Always prioritise your health and safety when making dietary choices, and don't hesitate to seek professional guidance when needed.



The unique ability of Juvia's enzymes to survive stomach acid offers a promising solution for athletes looking to optimise their digestive health and nutrient absorption. By potentially enhancing the breakdown and utilisation of carbohydrates, Juvia may contribute to improved energy levels, reduced digestive discomfort, and overall better performance during intense physical activity.

While more research specific to athletic performance is needed, the existing studies and scientific backing make Juvia an intriguing option for athletes seeking to fine-tune their nutritional strategies. As always, athletes should consult with their coaches, nutritionists, or healthcare providers before making significant changes to their dietary or supplement regimens.

In the ever-evolving world of sports nutrition, Juvia represents an innovative approach to addressing the unique digestive challenges faced by athletes. By harnessing the power of natural barley enzymes and ensuring their survival through the harsh stomach environment, Juvia may offer a valuable tool for athletes striving to achieve their peak potential.




  1. Amawi, A., AlKasasbeh, W., Jaradat, M., Almasri, A., Alobaidi, S., Hammad, A. A., Bishtawi, T., Fataftah, B., Turk, N., Saoud, H. A., Jarrar, A., & Ghazzawi, H. (2024). Athletes' nutritional demands: a narrative review of nutritional requirements. Frontiers in nutrition, 10..
  2. Haworth, J., Bloor, S., & Hobson, A. (2022). Open label pilot study: an enzyme-rich malt extract (ERME™) for the treatment of chronic constipation. BMJ Journals, 71(1).
  3. Loomis, H. (n .d.). Digestion in the Stomach. Food Enzyme Institute.
  4. Rogers, K. (2024, February 15). Do digestive enzyme supplements really work? Experts weigh in. CNN Health.
  5. Holland, K. (2023, March 27). All About pH for Stomach Acid. Healthline.
  6. Deigner, H. & Kohl, M. (2018). Precision Medicine Tools and Quantitative Approaches (chapter: Enzyme Stability). Elsevier.
  7. Holesh, J., Aslam, S., & Martin, A. (2023). Physiology and Carbohydrates. StatPearls.
  8. Amawi, A., AlKasasbeh, W., Jaradat, M., Almasri, A., Alobaidi, S., Hammad, A. A., Bishtawi, T., Fataftah, B., Turk, N., Saoud, H. A., Jarrar, A., & Ghazzawi, H. (2024). Athletes' nutritional demands: a narrative review of nutritional requirements. Frontiers in nutrition, 10, 1331854.
  9. Burke, L. M., Hawley, J. A., Wong, S. H., & Jeukendrup, A. E. (2011). Carbohydrates for training and competition. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29(1), 17-27.
  10. Austin Gastroenterology. (2024, May 17). Hydration and Digestion: Why Water is Essential for a Healthy Gut.
  11. Jeukendrup, A. (2018). TRAINING THE GUT FOR ATHLETES. Sports Science Education, 30(178), 1-5.
  12. Lee, M. C., Hsu, Y. J., Shen, S. Y., Ho, C. S., & Huang, C. C. (2023). A functional evaluation of anti-fatigue and exercise performance improvement following vitamin B complex supplementation in healthy humans, a randomized double-blind trial. International journal of medical sciences, 20(10), 1272–1281.
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