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Fennel-Roasted Cauliflower With Quinoa Recipe

Try our fennel-roasted cauliflower with quinoa dish; it’s perfect for a nourishing weekday dinner or as a make-ahead lunch option, especially if you’re keeping it light. 

“A Little Bottle Of Magic” - Nick’s Story

Unfortunately, for those who suffer from gut issues, dinner time, and especially meals out, can be a daunting torturous event. Nick’s story highlights the discomfort he experienced when having to decide whether to miss out completely by not attending social functions...

The Ultimate Guide To Gut Health

The landscape of human health is highly complex, but one particular area is being praised for its pivotal role in keeping you healthy in almost every area of human health - your gut!

Spinach and Pea Burger Recipe

This tasty spinach and pea burger dish gives you a portion of fibre to aid your digestion and it’s packed with nutrients. As far as burgers go, you can’t get much better.

“A Lifeline At A Time of Despair” - Sarah’s Story

After hearing Sarah’s story it’s easy to appreciate that gut trouble can come from anywhere and wreak havoc in your system. The good news is that no matter the unlikely source, JUVIA has proven to be a useful aid in helping people to find their way back to a sense of normality

High FODMAP Foods To Avoid

You may have heard the term FODMAP in the realm of digestive health because it has gained significant attention over the years. This guide will help you to understand what FODMAP is and how to incorporate it into your everyday life. 

Understanding the Differences Between Common Gut Issues

In this comprehensive article, we will delve into and compare some of the most common gut complaints, focusing primarily on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and its distinctions from other conditions such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). 

“My bloating has gone and my confidence has returned” - Robyn’s Story

Robyn had been experiencing gut trouble for about 3 years, but since taking JUVIA, she has been able to get her life back on track and trail as the true adventurer that she is.

Unveiling the Health Benefits of White Bean and Sun-Dried Tomato Gnocchi

When it comes to delicious and nutritious meals, white bean and sun-dried tomato gnocchi stand out as a powerful option. This delectable dish will not only satisfy your taste buds, it will provide you with several health benefits too. In this article, we will explore the nutritional advantages of white bean and sun-dried tomato gnocchi, highlighting the benefits of each key ingredient that contributes to its goodness. 

The Link Between Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Gluten Intolerance: Exploring the Evidence

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterised by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea, and constipation. One possible trigger for IBS symptoms is gluten intolerance, also known as non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). In this article, we will explore the potential links between IBS and gluten intolerance, supported by the latest empirical evidence and research.

“I didn't have to hide in the loo so much, or blame it on the dog” - Sarah’s Story

We are always keen to understand how JUVIA has impacted the lives of our users. Today, we hear from Sarah, who has suffered from gut trouble since she was a teenager.

How to Handle IBS Flare-Ups: A 5-Point Guide to Easing Symptoms in the First Few Hours

Here at JUVIA we are passionate about gut health and we want to help as many people as possible to manage any discomfort that may arise from less-than-perfect gut health. 

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